Monday, December 16, 2024

The Christian religion is a religion of power, BUT...

 The Christian religion is a religion of power. But it's an ironic power manifest in history as suffering, failure, and death with the "happy ending" mythically occuring beyond the end of history.

Nietzsche hated Christianity but dignified to the extent that he UNDERSTOOD it better than our modern, dominionist, Seven Mountain Christo-fascists: it's a religion for losers, freaks, and low life.

The above mentioned factions, which appear to be coalescing under the banner of the New Apostolic Reformation.

The "New" part is their central founding myth that while God has ordained leaders such as evangelists, pastors, and teachers since the closing of the NT canon, that we're at the VERY end of the end of history, He has dusted off and restored the offices of apostle and prophet equal or greater than their New Testament forbears: the Twelve, Paul, and - per some - Jesus himself!

As such, they have access to direct revelation from God KNOWN ONLY TO THEM, are self-authenticating, and have been instructed to act in ways VERY different from the New Testament apostles and prophets.

They not only share the common Christian mandate of influencing culture, God has told them they are to SEIZE CONTROL AND DOMINATE the entirety of civil governments worldwide.

And to oppose these super-apostles (see 2 Corinthians, their ACTUAL forbears) is to oppose God.

It is Christofascism on the road to totalitarianism.

What’s the Difference Between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism?

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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