Sunday, December 29, 2024

Scripture as the Collision of the Sacred and the Mundane

I first became an intentional Christian my freshman year of college (making it relevant to my studies) and who took my first course in New Testament studies and Lehigh from a Yale-trained biblical scholar my sophomore year.

Being raised in a modern world and having taken high school courses in Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics, world cultures, and English, and lived in a pluralistic culture emphasizing tolerance for those of different beliefs, I had no problem scraping a year of fundamentalist Bible interpretation for the historical critical study of the Bible.,

I have always lived in a world with no "Berlin Wall" between my Sunday religion and the other six days of the week. God is in the details, whether it be loving one's enemies, running one's restaurant, or developing a more advanced form of machine learning.

I gave the secular cultural reason above.

The reason given in Christian culture is God in Christ crucified in the incarnation evident at Creation, Christmas (or Solstice if you wish), and the Eschaton.

Incarnation (Wikipedia)

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