Tuesday, December 03, 2024


With respect, this is just wrong.

You keep saying "we can't treat any of this as normal" but that seems to be exactly what you are doing.

I don't believe Biden would have pardoned Hunter had Harris been elected. Because THAT would have fit the consequences you are saying will happen.

He simply saw what I thought you saw so clearly: the pro-democracy forces are fighting an asymetrical cold civil war against an emerging fascist attempt to capture the government.

And it looks like they could very well succeed.

Donald Trump's selection of Attorney General, FBI Director, and Secretary of Defense clearly shows he intends to make good on his multiple promises to use the DOJ and - "if necessary" - the military to seek revenge and retribution against his enemies. And to use his pardon power to free the "political prisoners" who attempted, at his instigation, to overthrow a free and fair election and the US Constitution.

The rules that obtained on November 5th are done.

Harris' loss to Trump is a wormhole through which we're being delivered to a dystopia whose final state would remind us of "The Man in the High Castle."

The only judgment a future free America can make on any of our actions is did we stay within the law (as did Biden's pardon) and were we disciplined enough to restrict necessary law-breaking of unjust laws to protect the Constitution and vulnerable targets of Trump's wrath (whether Hunter Biden or Alexander Vindman or undocumented immigrants) to non-violent civil resistance.

The Bible tells us we must be innocent as doves yet wise as serpents.

Or, as the Ben Franklin character in "1776" tells John Adams, "Don't worry, John, the history books will clean it up." <smile>

Bill Bekkenhuis
Bethlehem, PA

See Charlie Syke's blog at the link. I think he's totally wrong on this but he and other Republicans paid a price to warn America about the danger of Donald Trump.

"Remember. A clown with a flamethrower still have a flamethrower."
-Charlie Sykes


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