Monday, December 16, 2024

Celebrating Murderers

Every time there is a school shooting, there is hooting and hollering for gun control / gun safety / pick your euphemism in the midst of the public grief of the families and coverage of the many funerals and the response is that now is NOT the time to shamelessly exploit a terrible tragedy for political gain.

Now we have a shooting of a health insurance CEO and there is hooting and hollering for healthcare system reform and the response that now is NOT the time to shamelessly exploit a terrible tragedy for political gain.

I must have a complicated personality; I feel the first is completely justified and the second is a descent into barbarism.

Maybe its because murdering a school room full of children victims in the first case is much more exploitable for the media than is the same number of children dying due to being uninsured or underinsured and the privacy and anonymity of the families' private grief.

But whatever my contradictory emotional responses to what appear to be similar similar situations (even leaving out the additional aspect of turning the perpetrator in both murders into a role model - which might be the actual commonality), I'm becoming interested in the ideas of C.B. Macpherson.

""Possessive individualism" is a political theory, primarily associated with C.B. Macpherson, that describes a social and political perspective where individuals are seen as the sole owners of their abilities and capacities, essentially "owning" themselves and owing nothing to society for their skills or talents; it is often linked to the idea that society is primarily composed of market interactions between individuals who are self-interested proprietors of their own labor and lives."

-AI Labs (Google) at Google Search

"what is possessive individualism wiki"

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