Sunday, July 24, 2016

VOTE HILLARY CLINTON! (No other reasonable choice exists)

This, at least as far as I'm concerned, is a clear decision.

In January either Trump or Clinton will command the military and control the nuclear arsenal.


Trump lacks the moral character, the knowledge and experience, and the basic temperament to be Commander in Chief.

THERE IS A QUALITATIVE DIFFERENCE between his deficiencies in those regards and Hillary's.

Hillary's deficiencies - and, yes, she has them - are, as the Washington Post editorial says, well within the bounds of our "normal" rogue's gallery of presidential candidates.

Trump is off the scale.

Anyone up to and including Dick Effing Cheney would be more acceptable.

ALL OTHER ISSUES... money in politics, income inequality, globalization, global warming, cleaning the stables at the DNC... ANYTHING... is of secondary importance.

IF HILLARY WINS, she will no doubt do many things with which people more progressive than myself will find objectionable.

There's a good chance she'll do things that *I* find objectionable, possibly up to and including the misuse of force.

BUT A SPACE WILL BE CREATED where progressives can continue to expand their influence in the Democratic party for when the two-year, four year, and six year cycles come around.

Of course, they could do that even if Trump wins.

I'm just not sure it would matter a whole lot then.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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