Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Theory of the Case for Hillary Clinton

The Theory of the Case for Hillary Clinton #CaseForHillary

I intend to present a "theory of the case" for electing Hillary Clinton to the office of President. The case will be laid in several sub-cases.

In an effort to restrict the topic (believe it or not, I have a more-than-full-time job and a vestigial social life extending just a wee bit beyond religion and politics), I'm going to look specifically at her proposed economic policies.

My methodology will be to look at the policies she's proposing on her web site, examine them in the context of her Wikipedia biography, her voting record in the Senate, her record of campaign donations, and analysis from recognized economic pundits from a variety of perspectives.

At the risk (nay, CERTAINTY :-) ) of further pissing off my Trump-supporting friends, I HAVE NO INTENTION of comparing Clinton's suggested policies to Trump's (presuming, at some point, he decides to have policies).

Because my case for electing Hillary is NOT directed at Trump supporters but, rather, as people who - like myself - find Trump as woefully unqualified for serious consideration yet are tempted to sit this one out or throw their vote away in the name of moral purity rather than support and vote for Clinton.

THEY may be amenable to a positive argument FOR Hillary whereas I doubt there is any such hope for those who consider Trump qualified.

The "theory of the case" AGAINST electing Trump is asymmetrical to the "FOR Hillary" case: it is a very simple case for the assertion that Trump is demonstrably unqualified in terms of foreign policy knowledge and experience, that he lacks basic leadership skills essential to the office of President, and that he is too temperamentally unstable to be trusted to command our military.

At the Olympics, two qualifying athletes may compete on their merits, but the athlete who fails a drug test is disqualified from competing at all.

And such is the case with Donald Trump. And I will continue to point that out regardless of how sick people are of hearing it.

As one 19th century evangelist said, it is hard to tell someone what they NEED to hear when they WANT to hear something different: in this case, Trump telling folks the problem is that the country is in ruins and if they will just cede all their trust and all their power to him, he will fix it.

It is, at best, an attempt to turn the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Rockefeller, Dole, McCain, and Gerald Ford into a party made up of Banana Republicans looking for a strong man to do the heavy lifting for them.

And if someone thinks Donald Trump IS qualified to compete in this crucial race, then I invite them to make to make their own positive case for electing Trump on the merits.

[I need not invite folks to make the case that Hillary is disqualified from consideration as the Republicans have turned that into a decades long, taxpayer-funded game for the entire electorate.]

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