Thursday, July 28, 2016

"There are time when you just have to be a dick." (Former Camp Director who shall remain nameless)

I want to be unequivocal on this.

I thought GW Bush was a lousy president due to his invasion of Iraq. I thought his campaign was BEYOND dirty when they trashed John Kerry's war record.

But even then, faced with the prospect of a second Bush term, my alarms did not go off like they are going now.

Bush was a mediocre trending towards lousy president.

But Trump, in my opinion, is a threat to both the United States Constitution and world peace.

I have NEVER felt this way in any election and I've been voting since '72.

It's not a partisan thing.

My MOST CONSERVATIVE FRIENDS, with whom I substantially disagree in almost any policy area, whether it be global warming, the size and purpose of government, America's place in the world, LGBT rights, immigration, health care - you name it, SIMILARLY CONSIDER TRUMP A THREAT ON THE SCALE THAT I'M SEEING IT.

So, if the downside of spreading what I consider to be a justifiable alarm regarding a serious threat to our form of government is that people - including people for whom I have a great deal of respect - think less of me, I am prepared to pay that price.

I've been unpopular before, in my youth and, like riding a bicycle, you never forget how to do it.

I'll save the charm for presidential elections between two QUALIFIED candidates, one of whom I happen to favor over another.

This is qualitatively different.

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