Wednesday, July 27, 2016


THE MADNESS OF KING BERNIE (I think there's a method to it.) #GoTrumpYourself


""I move that all votes, all votes cast by delegates be reflected in the official record," Sanders said. “And I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States," he said before being drowned out by cheers.

"Delegates erupted in a loud “aye,” when the call for the vote was made, though there were some audible “boos” in the arena as the song “Happy” began to blare.""

DURING THE MOMENT, the MSNBC news team caught the subtle difference between what Sanders did and what Clinton did eight years ago - he wanted his delegates votes recorded.

And he didn't actually CALL for nomination by acclimation, he nominated her for President (knowing full well, no doubt, that it would go down as it did).

Bernie isn't giving up. Bernie isn't caving.

Bernie is savvy enough to forge A STRATEGIC ALLIANCE between progressives and socialists, on the one hand, and the Democratic Party establishment.

This fits what he said last year when he said he'd considered a third party run but ruled it out as he'd need the benefits of associating with a major party in our country's de facto two-party system.

Between Sherrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren & Bernie Sanders in the Senate, BACKED BY ALMOST 50% OF THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY VOTERS, they will have Hillary's ear every bit as much as does Wall Street.

Because, as the Beatles sang & the massive amounts of cash thrown into the toilet by the Jeb Bush campaign demonstrates, money can't buy you love. Or, on occasion, even votes. :-)

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