Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Democratic Foreign Legion

I have submitted my voter registration request to leave the Republican Party and to become a "None" because of the "Silence of the Shams" of that party in the Senate, House and governor's offices.

Their silence or even approval of Trump's accusation that the career investigators at the FBI who uncovered both the Russian release of stolen emails on behalf of Trump's campaign and the eternal gratitude of Trump and his campaign for their help (and their apparent eagerness for more of the same in 2020) rather than faithfully serving their nation's security, in fact, committed treason.

They are doomed to become a regional white nationalist party in league with like-minded, autocratic foreign governments and with an ever dwindling share of the American electorate.

I want no part in it.

I'll not register in the Democratic party because I'm more conservative than people apparently realize (and mindful of Peter Hickey's sensitivities regarding Republicans taking refuge in the party of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren 😀 ) but, other than that - I'm all in for Democrats as they appear to be the only elected officials we have who give a damn about the constitutional rule of law. #TheNakedEmperor

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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