Saturday, May 04, 2019

Superhero Rules: Truth, Justice, and the American Way

It is increasingly apparent to me that Trump supporters that refuse to even look at the evidence and who keep posting the same, discredited nonsense are NOT engaging in argument.
They are running up the team flag to see who responds.
Well, I'm doing the same.
Those who are not on my team are not my enemies. And they are not really even adversaries. Many are family, friends, and co-workers.
So I'll hear their concerns and attempt to address them, but I will consider them irrelevant to serious discussion regarding the issues facing America and how best to respond to them.
My team looks like this.
1. TRUTH: We demand honest discussion based on evidence-supported, rational argument.
2. JUSTICE: We demand humanity, moral integrity, and public accountability from society's leaders.
3. THE AMERICAN WAY: We demand support for inherited democratic institutions beginning with the rule of law.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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