Thursday, July 12, 2018

TRIBAL (Posted on Facebook)

Since we're all tribal now, while I won't de-friend anyone, I am going to determine which of us are in the same or similar tribes.

One characteristic of my tribe is the acceptance of multiple sources of truth (science, journalism, math, law, medicine, etc.), the sources determine truthful assertions through reason and evidence, and one does due diligence when one makes a factual assertion or evaluates one.

Another is that while there are multiple sources of truth that can be true in different ways (pluralism), there are some assertions of fact that DO NOT correspond to the world we all live in (realism).

I don't know who else recognizes it but we are a LONG, LONG, way from liberal vs. conservative. The issue is sanity / insanity, responsible speech and wing-nuttery and conspiracism.

And it will doom us and ALL liberal democratic governments - which, as anyone who has done any study of history knows, is a brief exception to the rule of autocracy in one form or another.

Because when discussion becomes meaningless regarding the way the world is, the only mechanism for government is brute force.


(Never mind. I can tell from your posts.)

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