Saturday, July 21, 2018

McCarthyism 2.0

Trump, for whatever reason, is in the thrall of Putin. Maybe it's fear of komprimat. Maybe it's hope of financial gain. Maybe he has Freudian daddy issues that attracts him to tough-as-nails autocrats and their approval. Maybe it's a narcissism as great as the world stage in which the future lies in world rule by a triumvirate of Russia, China, and the US that only HE has the vision to see and only HE has the unique personality to bring about. Maybe it's all of that. Whatever it is, it has caused him and his circle - since before the election and continuing to this day - to seek out back-channel communications with the Russian government designed to keep the American intelligence community in the dark, as if THEY were the threat America faces. And what his wing-nut supporters (which I define as ANYONE who is following Trump closely and STILL supports what he's doing) must believe - and which Trump would surely approve - is that there is a conspiracy against America's best interests by warmongering Obama / Clinton operatives in the highest echelons of the intelligence community and US State Department of the deep state shadow government.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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