Sunday, December 22, 2013

Two Degrees of Separation from Robert Goulet!

Listening to Robert Goulet singing "Winter Wonderland" on Music Choice and remembered my late mother once "met" Robert Goulet.

It was in the eight year period between her husband (and my father's) death and her own death in 1981.

She struggled with anxiety and depression and had a very hard time dealing with the aftermath of my father's wholly unanticipated death.

But she up and bought tickets to hear Robert Goulet at the Westbury Music Hall on Long Island.

This, if I remember correctly, was a "theater in the round" type venue.

I don't remember the performance but I think it was some form of Camelot.

My mother had taken a water pill and at a particular point in the performance she had the urgent need to visit the Ladies Room.

Of course, she put this off as long as possible as she didn't want to appear rude - like she was walking out or something.

At the last possible moment, she propelled herself out into the aisle - and blocked Robert Goulet as he was attempting to get to his mark.

She looked at him and he looked at her. The eyes of everyone in the theater was on both of them.

Mortified beyond words, my mother turned and fled to the Ladies' Room.

"Leaving so soon?", Robert Goulet deadpanned as she left.

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