Saturday, December 21, 2013

2013 Winter Solstice

Christmas and pagan Solstice celebrations are joined at the hip. And Christianity has been nothing but enriched by the influence of earth-centered Divinity.

At times the Latin church and the protestants have forgotten this, but the Celtic Christians and the Eastern Orthodox never did.

Joyous Solstice, folks! The sun begins it's return.

"Hearkening back to a time when the church was one, and having resonance with Eastern Orthodox theology, the Celtic Christian tradition is at ease with proclamations from the early church, such as this from Maximus Confessor: : “The Word of God, who is God, wills always and in all things to work the mystery of his embodiment.” The Celtic Christian tradition would agree with C. S. Lewis when he writes, “God loves matter; he invented it.” George McLeod, who founded the modern Iona Community in Scotland, said “Matter matters.”"

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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