Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Christian Resistance

To be as brief as it is possible for me to be, there is a Christian Right (e.g., Tony Perkins, Jerry Falwell, Jr., James Dobson) and a Christian Left (e.g., Berrigan brothers, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Martin Luther King, Jr, Jim Wallis, Jimmy Carter).

By personal inclination, I would be of the Christian left.

Fundamentally, however, the gospel of God in Christ is neither left or right.

It recognizes that we ALL have ONE and ONLY ONE enemy and that is death's imagined threat to the meaning, purpose, and value of our lives - and that threat's ability to wield corruptible people and institutions (which is pretty much ALL of us) to do terrible things in a doomed attempt to carve out OUR OWN salvation from death.

THAT doomed attempt is the very definition of idolatry and THAT temptation is universal throughout time and culture and THAT temptation puts the gospel of God in Christ in PERPETUAL RESISTANCE to the reigning powers that be whether on the left or the right or corporate or demagoguery.

It is freely available to all (and is not for sale), it is not walled in by sectarian religion whether Christian or otherwise, nor is it in some sort of intellectual ghetto that requires it's own science, it's own journalism, it's own facts.

The gospel of God in Christ resists idolatry in ALL its forms, whether that be a leftist belief in government as savior or a rightest belief in theocracy and witch hunts.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...