Sunday, January 29, 2017
Trump puts Bannon on security council, dropping joint chiefs (BBC)
Trump has gone beyond bad and even immoral policy and worse tactics.
He has threatened America's civic institutions - those things written and traditional - that make the US Constitution more than just a scrap of parchment.
He has questioned the legitimacy of THE VERY ELECTION THAT PUT HIM IN POWER.
He is assaulting the professional free press in favor of "Christian" news sources and alt-reality sites such as Breitbart.
He has made his General Flynn - someone who has trafficked in the "Hillary Clinton runs DC child sex ring" alr-right crap that caused a deranged Trump supporter to shoot up a popular pizza joint that allegedly fronted the conspiracy - his National Security Adviser.
He has ordered his agencies to STOP posting even FACTUAL uploads to their website and to STOP CONSULTING WITH CONGRESS.
And, after dabbling, he is seriously moving into the delusional.
He is giving his alt-right, fake news buddy Bannon a permanent seat in the National Security Council with his Director of Intelligence and Joint Chiefs attending ONLY THOSE MEETINGS TO WHICH THEY ARE INVITED.
President Donald Trump is reshuffling the US National Security Council (NSC), downgrading the military chiefs of staff and giving a regular seat to his chief strategist Steve Bannon.
Mr Bannon, formerly the head of the populist right-wing, Breitbart News website, will join high-level discussions about national security.
The order was signed on Saturday.
The director of national intelligence and the joint chiefs will attend when discussions pertain to their areas.
We are WAY, WAY, beyond "give the guy a chance" territory AND IT'S ONLY THE FIRST WEEK.
He goes against everything the Scout Oath and Law has taught me to champion.
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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."
"...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...

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