Sunday, June 05, 2016

Time to Decide: What Does It Mean to be an American Christian?

For those concerned by the drift of my recent posts, no. I am not unhinged. 

(But thank you for asking. :-) )

Still, Facebook friends who tire of anti-Trump rants may wish to bail on me, at least between now and November.

For I will continue to trash Donald Trump and his CORE supporters (as compared to his confused peripheral supporter who support him DESPITE his racism rather than BECAUSE of it) because, apart from his horrific foreign and domestic policy proposals (if they even rise to coherent policies), I first and foremost consider him a grave threat to America's Constitution.

I am also going to work and contribute, to the very limited best of my ability, to have Hillary Clinton elected to the office of President of the United States.


Had the Republicans nominated anyone OTHER than Trump - even Ted Cruz - I would have considered THEM on their merits before deciding between them and Hillary. (I suspect the consideration time would have been relatively brief, but it would have occurred.) 

BUT THE TRUMP threat is separate from and goes well beyond any question of relative qualification between him and ANY of the candidates, Republican or Democrat, who ran for the office.

I WILL DO ANYTHING LEGAL to prevent him from being elected. In fact, I advise folks NOT to disrupt his rallies or physically menace or assault his supporters AS THAT WILL HELP ELECT HIM.

IF he's elected, I will hold my breath and give him the benefit of the doubt (as that's the only option I have).

But if he actually begins ACTING on the crazy shit he's saying, it's time for me, at least, to consider active, non-violent, civil disobedience and non-cooperation.

It will become time to immerse myself in the Bible and the central core of 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition and teaching.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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