Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Ruminating... does it matter?

Simple Definition of ruminate
: to think carefully and deeply about something
of an animal : to bring up and chew again what has already been chewed and swallowed

NOT suicidal. :-) Just chewing cud, theologically speaking. :-) 

Does my life - my beliefs, my speech, my actions, my relationships, my work, etc. - matter?

Does anyone’s life - whether as individuals, families, organizations, institutions, nations - matter?

Does life itself - from primitive life on earth and any other life-capable planets - matter?

Does the universe - the totality of time and space - matter?

If any or all of these can be said to matter, to whom do they matter?

And then - regarding the one to whom it matters - does it matter that it matters to them?
And if it DOES matter that it matters to them, does THAT matter?

[Hey, I spent three years of my life and a significant amount of money learning how to ask the right questions so… it matters. To me anyway. But, do *I* matter? And so it goes. :-) ]

Definition of RUMINATE (Merriam-Webster)

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