Friday, August 21, 2015


I think it's as simple as this: Bush and Clinton appeal to those who believe the political and economic systems can be tweaked. Sanders and Trump appeal to those who believe it needs to be overturned.
Bush and Clinton speak to those who feel, at some level or another, reconciled to the system as it is - though they would each tweak it in their own way.
Sanders and Trump (and, for that matter, Black Lives Matter and the Religious Right) appeal to those who are alienated and feel disenfranchised by the system.

And, the fact of the matter is, folks like me (the Bush / Clinton "tweak the system" types) are getting hammered with political and economic reality and giving Trump and Sanders a good listen AS THEY SEEM TO BE THE ONLY NON-POLITICAL POLITICIANS WHO ARE TELLING THE TRUTH as the truth is believed to be by the alienated.

Which, in my opinion, is why Trump and Sanders are gaining the momentum that Bush and Clinton are losing.

It goes far beyond "Bush and Clinton represent the past": it's more like "Bush and Clinton are symbols of a failed system."

Which might be fine... other than the fact that Sanders and Trump represent the polarized, opposing, extremes of the American electorate with mutually contradictory beliefs in what America is all about.

“Should college education be available to all regardless of their income?

“Why are we the only major country on Earth without a national health-care program guaranteeing health care for all people?

“Why is the middle class of this country disappearing?

“Is it moral that we have massive wealth and income inequality?"

-Bernie Sanders

"We are a whipping post, we are a laughingstock as a country, we are not respected anymore, and that's why I decided to run for president because I don't want to take it anymore."

-Donald Trump

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