Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Israel MUST change. Israel must LEAD.

Posted to Facebook: March 24th, 2015

Israel being the pre-eminent economic and military power with the ability to use settlements to fragment any hope of a Palestinian state, Palestinians live as Israel determines they shall live - not the other way around.

And there are enough Jews and Muslims in Israel and Palestine who want a better future for their children and who will FOLLOW ISRAEL'S LEAD in the peace process - if it chooses to lead.

If Netanyahu continues to act as a demagogue rather than a statesman taking tangible steps and carefully calibrated political and non-fatal security risks to support a two-state solution, Israel will lose its Jewish character as it becomes an Arab majority state or become an internationally isolated, anti-democratic, apartheid state.

Right now, Israel has the initiative and can negotiate from a position of power. But, if it continues to act as if its needs are the only needs that matter, it won't last forever and the decision on the future of Israel will largely be determined by non-Israeli citizens.

"As Netanyahu assembles his governing coalition, he faces several challenges: A revived left; a large part of his population dissatisfied with their economic lot; a U.S. president so distant that he could not bring himself to congratulate Netanyahu on his victory on the night; an impatient world community; increasing violence on his borders; and no deal yet to prevent Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon. This is a different Israel."

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