Friday, November 07, 2014

And Now... A Message From Our Sponsor

Dear [ins'rt nameth]:

Mist'r Bekkenhuis regrets that he cannot posteth his bi-weekly posteth as he hath not yet written it. it involves the issue of miracles. anticipat'd inspiration from the Holy Ghost hath not arriv'd. a tracking numbereth hath been issu'd. Problem with our rec'rds: "No such Christian at this addresseth. "

Of course, I couldst just telleth him, but there be nay fun in that as it wouldst begeth the questioneth. Mist'r Bekkenhuis wouldst, however, leaveth his readers (well, reader) with a questioneth: 

"Lightning dost something in the natural ordinary. An earthquake dost something in the natural ordinary. Dost God doeth aught in the natural ordinary? Dost earnest prayer importune God to doeth things in the ordinary? 'R dost God just causeth people to seeth events in the natural ordinary from a different perspective? And if the latter, is “God” aught moo than shorthand f'r natural, human thought processes? Dost aught real happeneth?"

[Granslat'd into Godly English f'r the sake of clarity. ]

Mist'r Bekkenhuis begs thy f'rbearance and promises to publish as lief as he removes his headeth from his ass and begins thinking clearly.

Warmest regards,

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