Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I had a strange dream two nights ago. My boss was sending me to the International Space Station. Unlike the real ISS, this one sat on the ground of our business campus and was to be launched into space.

My special mission involved my giving a PowerPoint presentation either to the Russians or about the Russians. (Why I had to do that from earth orbit was not clear.)

I remember I needed to use the toilet and had a really difficult time figuring out how to use it. I decided that one thing I would accomplish on the mission would be to write a good user's manual for it.

And, yes, at some point during the dream, I slipped and fell on the ice.

I think Freudian anality, the Olympics, my job, Big Bang Theory, my Simvastatin (which can cause nightmares) and Buspirone (which can cause vivid dreams), and the weather all got together and decided to have a wild party in my subconscious mind last night.

I seem to remember remaining fully clothed throughout the dream, which is often not the case.

[Incidentally, whereas I often wake up with a fleeting memory of a silly dream, I don't often recall dreams in this detail.]

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