Saturday, January 09, 2010

HELP! George W. Bush is Spamming My Blog!

Someone left a comment on one of my blog posts. It looks like the victim of a hit-and-run language translation program. If I ever start a religion, this will be the first document in its canon of scripture. (Wouldn't necessarily encourage following any of the links unless you are really serious about being unswerving how to harness the goliath power of Xrumer and communicate with afar it into a Cash machine. :-)



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John Dunkle said...

I don't know what this one's all about, Bill, but happy to see you're back.

Bill Bekkenhuis said...

The more I read this spam post, the more profound it becomes. I wonder what the language translator would do if you submitted something in English and asked it to translate it into English? :-)

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