Wednesday, November 20, 2024


1. MAGAfy the Republican party such that elected congressional representatives, senators, and executives (e.g., governors) appease Trump rather than risk him punishing disobedience by denouncing them via tweet to his base voters, thus endangering their prospects for re-election and quite possibly putting their family in physical peril. [LARGELY DONE ALREADY]

See How Trump’s intimidation tactics have reshaped the Republican Party

2. Consolidate political power in the presidency, substituting incompetent sycophants (whose function is to allow direct presidential control of those powers necessary for his political agenda while simultaneously rendering them too dysfunctional to restrain his use of those powers) for the competent professionals constrained by law, regulation, and norms in the civil service.

See 'Assume the worst' from Trump's 'menagerie of misfits': ex-GOP lawmaker 

3. Abolish the norm that, following the Senate’s confirmation of a president’s Attorney General, the Department of Justice operates independent of political influence.

See Trump has made more than 100 threats to prosecute or punish perceived enemies

4. Exploit the loopholes within (and ultimately abolish) the Posse Comitatus Act restricting the use of the military for domestic law enforcement.

See Trump confirms plans to use military to deport migrants after declaring national emergency

5. With these dramatic extensions of the already awesome power of the presidency, wield power by attacking minority communities (especially immigrants) unpopular with the culture warriors of his base; attacks where the cruelty (e.g., child separation, a “bloody day” of migrant round-ups) is the point.

See Court orders feds to pay $6M as family separations lawsuit ends

6. Realign America’s foreign policy, discarding the alliance-based, and rule-governed Western liberalism that has prevented another world war for the past 80 years, to engage if not actively ally with autocracies such as Russia and China to increase his personal political power and wealth.

See One year of Trump’s praise for authoritarians - POLITICO ,  All the President's Profiting • OpenSecrets 

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...