Thursday, October 03, 2024


 ORDERS OF CREATION: A timely reminder that, while the devil is in the details, a Christian has two - and only two - moral responsibilities.

The first responsibility is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action.

That is a simple task: tell someone you're a Christian and then be mindful that from that point forward your words and actions will show them what YOU, if no others, mean by that.

It's NOT my job to convert ANYONE. That is a work netween God and them and I can only pray that God forgives me for the all but certain mess I'm making of my life that miscommunicates that message. ("Holy Spirit, clean-up on aisle Bekkenhis - he's preaching again.") 🙂

My second responsibility is to ally myself with God's efforts to PRESERVE CREATION, both the natural and the sociological.

One way to do that is to put myself into a purity or holiness community to provide a model for emulation without dirtying my hands. That's called Christian perfectionism.

And, as I have no illusions regarding my ability to be perfect with or without the Holy Spirit and - not being particularly pious by nature - that is not my calling.

The second way is to enter into public life with other sinners (sinning, like misery, LOVES company!) to do our damnedest to attempt to preserve or even improve society without falling prey to the hubris of a thoroughgoing liberal theology's vision of creating the Kingdom of God on earth. THAT'S called Christian realism. (You can look up both terms on Wikipedia.)

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