Friday, June 14, 2019

HEAR YE, HEAR YE! (American Civic Virtues)

Regarding Trump, anti-Trump, I've determined "there are good people on both sides." But the good people on the pro-Trump side, while remaining friends and "good people" and folks who in trouble could come to me for whatever aid I could render, HAVE NO POLITICAL CREDIBILITY FOR ME. They have been enthralled in a way that has left their other admirable moral qualities intact BUT HAS FATALLY COMPROMISED those qualities SPECIFICALLY when it comes to Donald Trump. Feel free to post whatever :poop: you want in discussion but I'LL NOT TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY until you convince ME that supporting Donald Trump is supporting American Civic Virtues. I defy anyone to make a convincing argument that Trump evidences ANY of the following virtues. And, be warned, I SPECIFICALLY left "politeness" off the list based on 200+ years of the American experiment. American Civic Virtues: In political discussion or coordinated political action, I commit to and INSIST on: Evidence-based discussion Telling the truth Demonstrating compassion Demonstrating moral integrity Respect for the written rule of law Adherence to the unwritten norms of civic virtue The nurturing of civil democratic institutions such as families, the workplace, and other voluntary associations. #TheNakedEmperor #AmericanCivicVirtues

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...