Saturday, December 08, 2018

LET ME SAY THIS ABOUT THAT (Richard M. Nixon, maybe)

LET ME SAY THIS ABOUT THAT (Richard M. Nixon, maybe) Last night's legal events established that if Trump was a mayor, a governor, Hillary Clinton, or anyone other than POTUS, the Southern District of New York would indict him for his primary role in directing Cohen in a criminal conspiracy in which Cohen committed two felony campaign finance violations. And they believe they could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt with evidence backing up Cohen's story. By my lights, he is now - beyond any doubt - impeachable. Although, for different reasons, neither House Republicans nor House Democrats, don't want to go there - *I* don't want to go there unless there is a reasonable chance of conviction in the Senate - the evidence, the Constitution, the will of the people as reflected in the last election, and their own historical legacy, they may be all but compelled to go there.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...