Friday, November 02, 2018


THE DAY AFTER I VOTE I plan to re-register as None (No Affiliation). [Turned down three times for ordination, I'll settle for being a None. 😀 ] I was going to wait and see how things went with the election before making a decision about party affiliation. Maybe, I thought, if the Republicans get really, brutally, humiliatingly defeated at the polls they will come to their senses and throw the racist, autocratic, conspiracists bastards out of the party as William F. Buckley and true conservatives did to the wing-nutty John Birchers. I now suspect it will not work that way because the Republicans who will be swept out of office (and replaced by Democrats) will be PRECISELY the moderates who have been cowed to do much more than shrug when asked about Trump. The Republicans who survive, for the most part, will be PRECISELY the ones for whom racist demagoguery works in their districts and states. They will double down. So, while my decision is open to review in the future, for this particular historic moment, I'd rather not have to bear the moral stigma of a Republican voter registration. Why not register as a Democrat? Because, until America decides between the Constitution and right-wing ethno-centric autocracy, I have no stomach to get involved in intra-tribal warfare between centrists and progressives in the Democratic party. You all pick your candidates and I'll vote for them.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...