Friday, January 12, 2018


BY THE POWER INVESTED IN ME... I hearby authorize unlimited indulgence in so-called Trump Derangement Syndrome as it is now quite clear who actually suffers from it: Trump and his 5th Avenue Club supporters.

Yesterday Donald Trump
  • tweeted against his own administration's national security policy before a crucial vote,
  • bragged about selling warplanes that only exist in "Call of Duty" to Norway (which he misspelled)
  • and used racist gutter language to disparage Haiti and the entire continent of Africa (where we have soldiers fighting side-by-side in counter-insurgency operations with African soldiers, putting their lives further at risk).
Delegitimizing Trump has gone from recreational pastime to patriotic duty in the absence of spine in the Republican party that nominated him, the Electoral College that certified him, and the Congress that - after a year of investigation - has suggested charges AGAINST THE ONLY PERSON who chose to warn the FBI that America was under attack rather than, as his family and campaign did, seek to exploit that foreign attack for there own good rather than the good of the nation.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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