Friday, July 21, 2017

"Recruitment in Moscow" - Could this have happened to Donald Trump?

"So you think Trump was colluding back in 2013 and 2008?

"And it came to fruition in 2016? "

Yes, Mike. Because that's how it works. Here's a case study.

You won't read this but others might. And, now that I've spent time on it, I will post it to my wall.

Note that during the recruitment of the KGB asset, Birgitta, she was first contacted by the KGB in '62, gently persuaded to do a few incriminating acts in '64, and - at the time the Swedish government investigated her and removed her access to sensitive information - it was 1966.

And, ALL THAT TIME... she never knew... and refused to believe... she was working for the KGB.

"The Swedish security service described Birgitta as a 52 year old woman who looks about 6(? years old, but who believes she has the charm and beauty of a young girl. She told one of the representatives of the service that she was like a young woman of 25, and she believes it. She is easily attracted to men and falls in love with anyone who flatters her or gives her attention. She told one interviewer that she was still in love with Oleg and refused to believe he was an agent of the KGB. She asked that this be proved to her, and said that she would leave for Switzerland on a moment's notice to meet him if she knew he was there. The fact that Oleg is 16 years her junior does not appear to her to be unreasonable or cause for concern."

*   *   *

"Birgitta's handling by Andre reflected a shrewd knowledge of her character. He catered to her love for fine things, presented her with gifts of "new icons" described to her as antiques, exploited her fondness for gourmet meals, resplendent furnishings and good manners."
Tell me... how effing hard would it be for Russian intelligence, under Putin's direction, to get Trump to incriminate himself without even KNOWING he was the target of a Russian intelligence operation?

I think there's a lot of dirt on Trump. But treason? I think he was very deeply entrapped before that dawned on him... if it ever dawned on him at all.

Recruitment in Moscow (CIA)

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