Saturday, May 20, 2017

I Confess...

Messrs Mike Talotta, Luther Bond, Kim Ticke, Will Diefenderfer, & others:


...that as a Democrat operating under not-so-deep cover in the Republican Party I and I alone crafted the Trump-Russia Collusion story.

Why should I deny something in which I take great and - if I say so myself - deserved pride.

In January of 2016, after careful study on the propagation of memes, I posted a photo-shopped picture of Trump shaking hands with Putin with the caption “Thanks, Putin!” and then posted it on the Deep Web.

Holy smokes!!

WHO KNEW the buzz from that simple meme, no doubt picked up by some bored-out-of-his-mind FBI intern would get passed up the chain of command to the:

  • FBI
  • CIA
  • NSA
  • Justice Department
  • Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the Treasury Department (specifically into Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone)
  • Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
  • House Intelligence Committee
  • House Oversight Committee
  • Senate Intelligence Committee
  • Senate Armed Services Committee
  • Senate Foreign Relations Committee well as a few others whose acronyms I forget.

They jumped on the story, of course, because they are all bleeding heart liberal institutions that still have this quaint belief in the rule of law and other democratic silliness.

Oh, and of course, they GENEROUSLY LEAKED what they were finding to the rubbish newspapers.

Not credible sources like InfoWars, Breitbart, Russia Today, and Sputnik but to rags like the Washington Post, the NY Times, Newsweek, as well as cable trash like CNN and MSNBC and phony newswires like Reuters and the Associated Press.

I think we can all agree there are some REALLY STUPID people in the world to buy that crap!


Bill Bekkenhuis 
(Work-name: B.F. Diehl)

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