Sunday, May 29, 2016

To haters on the Left and Right, I'm only saying this once...

I will do all I can (which admittedly isn't much) to elect Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States and will vote for her with much enthusiasm.

She is supremely qualified for the job, particularly in the primary job responsibility as Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful, nuclear-capable, military in the history of the world.

She has actual policies on what she intends to do, why it's important, and how she intends to work with Congress to achieve what is politically possible in the face of a total scorched-earth, obstructionist Republican party, just as President Obama has done.

I consider her a moral role model (as I did President Obama) and am envious of what she has done to help marginalized people and communities which make my feeble efforts in those areas look quite anemic.

So, for all my friends on the left and right who feel the need to either trash me or pity me because they have come to a different conclusion, I invite you all to vote Libertarian or Green which, in my estimation, means you've decided to watch the game from the sidelines.

Sorry. But there it is. :-) 

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