Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Donald Trump is just one more demagogue and ISIL is just one more terrorist group.

Their significance is that large - and apparently ever replenished - number of disaffected people who are attracted to them.

Bernie Sanders made a damn fine point on Rachael Maddow last night.

A demagogue is someone who finds very angry people... RIGHTFULLY very angry people... and directs their wrath against a scapegoat.

The challenge is not to beat Trump in an election of beat ISIL on the ground - both of which will eventually occur.

The challenge is to ROB THEM OF THE ANGRY PEOPLE EMPOWERING THEM by enlisting them in battle against the ACTUAL source of their anger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Face it, the majority like Trump's message. Even after he committed to banning Muslim's from entering the country he continues to lead the polls.

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