Sunday, July 19, 2015


I believe in salvation through God in Christ and I accept the Enlightenment worldview, or at least the natural science aspects of it, as not only the "best in class" worldview across history to date but as the ONLY worldview an intellectually honest Christian can hold in this day and age.

This means, among other things, that when I talk about God I am speaking in metaphor.

And when I talk about God fully entering the human condition in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ I am speaking in myth.

And those erring Christian brethren who would ask if I can even BE a Christian if I believe God is "just" a metaphor or the Passion of Christ is "just" a myth betray their own modernist, scientism that comprehends neither the meaning of metaphor nor the meaning of myth nor understand the participation of metaphor and myth in reality.

Reactionary fundamentalist or conservative Catholic resistance is no return to a more ancient and allegedly pure and Godly worldview but a modernist corruption of the gospel in its own right, justified by pillaging bits and pieces of the Bible and Christian tradition while ignoring the totality of the biblical witness to the Gospel of Christ to achieve specific, ideological ends most often having to deal with the desire to control and, indeed, dominate others and society.

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