Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Five Simple Steps: True Value

Just a quick list I wanted to capture of the things I consider to be of true value. The goal would be to prioritize and target these items for both my consumption and as the values I wish to support in the way of my personal production.

Security / Peace
Medical care (urgent, long term, preventative)
Clean Air
Clean Water
Safe Food
Education (including access to quality media)
Work (fulfilling and productive)
Culture (music, art, entertainment, etc.)
Environment (pleasant and in-balance)
Family / Friends / Community
Personal Meaning / Significance and Encouragement

I find it thought provoking that even though satisfying the world's population with these seems to be beyond our current reach, still, it's really not a very large list. I mean, it's not like there are hundreds and thousands of items on it.

Thankfully, I have a least a survivable portion of most of these at the moment.

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...