Friday, October 09, 2009

Troglodyte Talk-Radio Republicans

My deepest sympathies to my Republican friends whose glee at America losing a chance at hosting the Olympics has been spoiled by America's president being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Please let the rest of us know what we can do (short of putting a Republican in the White House) that will cause you to root for America again.

My first thought at 5:30 AM on hearing this was, 'Can't wait to see how Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter and the other troglodyte media-heads spin this such that President Obama receiving a prestigious international peace award for attempting to prevent a nuclear holocaust is a disgrace, confirmation of his traitorous ambitions and another indication of the illegitimacy of his presidency.'

Coming home tonight and reading some of the response, I've not been disappointed.

I would love it if some ditto-head would explain to me how Republicans ever intend to win another election in this land.

But I guess I have my answer - by hoping Obama fails and that they'll be elected by default.

That would explain, of course, why the Republicans chose, early on, not to put forward their own global reform plan for health care. (See Dems taunt GOP: Where's your health plan?)

I can only hope that the wild hope that Obama fails at anything he attempts will not carry over to his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief.

The first step back toward sanity is to take the little ear bud out of your ear and go read some articles by knowledgeable people - and I don't care if its The Weekly Standard or or Foreign Policy or the Heritage Foundation.

Anything is better than the mind-screwing you get from listening to the demagogues (and yes, that means you too Keith Olbermann - nuts is nuts whether you fall to the left of the tree or the right.)

Bill Bekkenhuis
Bethlehem, PA

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

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