Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Would you rather die by a knife or a gun?"

Letter to Editor Express Times 06/12/09

Last Saturday the volunteer escorts at the Allentown Women's Center were repeatedly asked by a protester whether we'd rather die by a knife or a gun.

Paraphrasing, he said abortion is a procedure done with a knife. Dr. Tiller's “procedure” was done with a gun. I don't know which is worse, a bullet or a knife. So, how do you prefer to die – by a knife or by a gun?

We reported this to the Allentown police. Their response? “He's just asking a question.”

Nonetheless, I do not blame the responding officers.

They know what we know – that there is no local political will to enforce laws against intimidation or threats that would be enforced at any business in Allentown that wasn't a clinic providing, amongst other services, abortion services.

In the next 24 hours several escorts were interviewed by one FBI agent and two US Marshals who apparently had more political will behind them to follow up on such incidents.

Death threats are just the tip of the iceberg regarding the harassment patients, volunteers and staff must face while at the clinic.

It is, in my opinion, time for the women of Allentown (and their male allies) to let the City of Allentown (as well as their own families, friends and co-workers) know that death threats are NOT okay and that laws regarding intimidation, harassment and disorderly conduct MUST be enforced and that those who target providers of abortion services have no special immunity in this regard.


John Dunkle said...

Billy, you know I wasn't threatening anybody even as you called the cops. I was just trying to get you to see what you're doing: defending someone who kills with a knife while attacking someone who killed with a gun. Remember my asking, myself really, which is the more fearful? Knives, I said, are my great fear, so I would actually prefer to be killed by a gun. Remember that?
And, Billy, I am proud to be the first commenter (reader?) on "The Inclusive Christian Blog." I should talk. I go years without anyone commenting (reading?) "" However, the ice was broken this month. "Counterterror" responded twice. If you're really interested in finding out what a threat sounds like, check it out. He even left his picture.

Bill Bekkenhuis said...

John, you know that if you were faced by a policeman and asked him whether he'd rather die by a knife or a gun, you'd be busted - with or without being tasered first.

This was a week (if I remember correctly) after Dr. Tiller was gunned down in his church.

Let's not pretend we're not all a bit sensitive right now.

I am concerned that someone is threatening your life and I take that seriously.

There are dangerous wingnuts on the loose on both sides.

Let's start by agreeing that we are not amongst them.


John Dunkle said...

Billy, Dave, and his cohort probably, are cops. I include them in all of my classes (although I pretend not to) including the one where I asked that question. The mistake you're making here is to transfer one context, the Street, to another, the AWC. Course I wouldn't walk up to a cop on the street and ask him that question! If I did, I'd never get to the point (second sentence of my first comment).
Let me remind you of what I am and then you can decide if I am among the wingnuts you will not talk to. I believe in Catholicism generally, in the following specifically: chastity, respect for others, charity, self-defense, defense of others, prayer, etc. If you knew me better, you realize even more how far my actions lag behind my beliefs. Tough decision.

Bill Bekkenhuis said...

Not everyone heard you. I was closest and heard you well. Besides, most of the escorts don't listen to what you say even when you're banging on the ear drums.

I heard what you said clearly and I also listened to what you were saying and realized it was different from the type things you generally say.

It was, in my opinion, an attempt to use indirect language to intimidate.

Something akin to the Mafia telling someone, "nice family you have, mister. Sure would be a shame if something happened to them."

As far as the rest, it's a simple progression - let's first agree to not kill each other and, if that works, then let's attempt to be civil with each other.

Maybe some day we'll breakthrough to genuine communication (though I'm not holding my breath).


John Dunkle said...

You've always been civil to me and I hope I've been civil to you. And of course we won't kill each other. Neither is the point. The point is, can we agree not to kill or help to kill others.

"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...