Saturday, December 06, 2008

Now, that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time...

Had one of those happy coincidences of running into an old friend who suffered under my leadership in the kitchen at Boy Scout Camp Minsi some fourteen or so years ago.

Despite the fact that the Lehigh Valley has somewhere in the vicinity of half a million people (99.999 % of whom I do not know), this type of experience seems to happen to me quite often.

He passed my house mate and myself by and I had a flicker of recognition. I yelled at his back, "Excuse me, Sir, but you look very familiar" (apparently scaring the hell out of him :-) )

By this time my house mate had gone almost face-to-face with him and yelled his ancient nickname, "Weed!". (The name referred to his diminutive height and not to any pharmaceutical investigations on his part.)

He said that when he heard that it kind of amazed him as no one had called him that in at least ten years.

So we went into a bar, caught up and had a great time.

Once inside he said that he believes God puts different people in our lives at different times for specific reasons. (He's a lot more philosophical / theological than he was at the age of 15 which, considering he has a philosophy degree from a Catholic college, he has every right to be!)

It will be interesting to ponder the deeper significance of this chance meeting.

1 comment:

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  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...