Friday, July 09, 2004


Wil Wheaton writes (in "midnight ravers":

"I know that it's not the first time I've said this, and it certainly won't be the last . . . but I want to thank everyone who has read this lame website over the years, and everyone who supported Dancing Barefoot, and Just A Geek. None of this would have happened without you guys."

I've not been by Wil Wheaton's very entertaining site for awhile and I'm happy to see it's still going strong and that he still finds (well, makes) the time to attend to it personally (rather than by hiring people to ghostwrite it as do some other celebs).

He's a great actor, a great writer and a great human being - and his books can now be found at Amazon.

Check out his blog at WIL WHEATON DOT NET!

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