Friday, June 23, 2017

#FMA (For Mature Audiences)

#FMA (For Mature Audiences) means that if I or someone with the privilege of posting material to my wall, directly or by tagging me (which, I believe, means ALL of you), then the following rules apply:

  1. Opinions based on arguments ONLY. No memes. No personal attacks. No off-topic or deflection from the thread’s argument. Ideally, no logical fallacies whatsoever - but, aside from those just explicitly mentioned, I recognize we can all err in that regard. See
  2. Deductive arguments to be based on explicit and broadly based (though not necessarily universally accepted) premises and inductive arguments are to be supported by broadly accepted (though not necessarily universally accepted) facts.
  3. In citing journalistic sources or authorities for factual claims contributors / knowledge creators (BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT WE ARE) should evidence a familiarity with the Pew Study on Political Polarization & Media Habits ( and realize that if a conservative is citing Breitbart as an authority, that authority is unlikely to be persuasive to an NPR-listening liberal (and vice versa).
  4. One should look for equally solid and broadly-based sources of evidence in supporting legal, economic, scientific, etc., opinions.
  5. An #FMA tag can only be place by a contributor at the start of the thread and applies globally throughout the entire thread.
  6. I RESERVE THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT to interpret these rules however I see fit and to delete (without comment) offending replies.
  7. Should someone want to express outrage at my unfair, hypocritical, ignorant action in deleting their reply they should post a new thread to my wall and pee all over IT, if they feel the need. Or unfriend me. Remember, you can post whatever drivel, memes, HS (horse shit, in Truman’s idiom) in OTHER non-tagged threads.

#DISCUSSION_TOPIC (The name of the particular discussion so that Facebook discussion threads can be followed after the original discussion scrolls away.)

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"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...