Friday, August 23, 2019

To My Trump-Supporting Friends

The man is seriously ignorant and incurious regarding civics knowledge an 8th grader should know, he lacks judgment, he seems to have an inability to think either strategically or programmatically (1st we do this, then we do that, then we...) regarding anything beyond his immediate self-interest, and he is frighteningly unstable.

A professional psychiatrist who had not examined Trump would be unethical to diagnose him as being a malignant narcissist.

I have no such limitation. I KNOW he is a malignant narcissist just as surely as I KNOW a decapitated person is dead even though I lack a medical degree.

He is a racist. His policies are racist. And his followers are either those who are similarly racist or who think they are getting something of sufficient value in return for supporting a racist president. After all, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

He is coming to abuse the powers of his office on almost a daily basis to advance his own personal and political interest and has no problem in enlisting foreign powers for his own purposes (Netanyahu) without regard to the lasting damage to AMERICA'S interests.

Aside from lifting the Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia (though he's working on it), he has done EVERYTHING on Putin's Christmas list to divide the American people and cause them to lose faith in democratic institutions as well as to severely damage international institutions (such as NATO) that have promoted democracy and prevented a third and final world war.

He has gone from denying Russia helped him get elected to saying he'd welcome help from them or anyone else to get re-elected.

I'm hearing a great deal about his potential senility.

That might be part of it but the real SUBSTANCE of his mental competence issue is that he is a malignant narcissist who has been given god-like powers of life and death as well as the ability to create a bubble around himself that reinforces what he already knows: nothing is more real than the most recent stray thought to cross his mind and the most recent thing he has said.

And, at the more mundane level of Greenland, as a salesman I know that the FIRST THING a professional does, regarding a prospect, is to QUALIFY THEM as potential customers.

To wit, Denmark pays a subsidy to Greenland but does not "own" the people of Greenland, who manage their own affairs.

You are, for reasons that totally escape me, a shill for Republican causes in general (that, pre-Trump, were legitimate whether I happened to agree with them or not) and Trump in particular.

In the name of American decency, democracy, and national security, STOP IT!!

"Professionals licensed to shill won't necessarily knock you dead, but they may not do you any good either. They might simply be pitchmen employed to extol the wonders of legitimate products. But in the early 1900s, when the first uses of the verb shill were documented, it was more likely that anyone hired to shill you was trying to con you into parting with some cash. Practitioners were called shills (that noun also dates from the early 1900s), and they did everything from faking big wins at casinos (to promote gambling) to pretending to buy tickets (to encourage people to see certain shows). Shill is thought to be a shortened form of shillaber, but etymologists have found no definitive evidence of where that longer term originated."

"...until you see the whites of their eyes."

  "...until you see the whites of their eyes." -Colonel William Prescott @ the Battle of Bunker Hill ) Yesterday, I engaged with t...